Important to note: The RIVE MAROC has no rally character! The main objective is to raise awareness of e-mobility in Europe as well as in Morocco. Furthermore, the RIVE MAROC shall contribute to the creation of an infrastructure of charging facilities and establish itself as an annual event within the sustainable tourism in Morocco.
The COP 22 climate summit in Marrakech was the starting point for e-mobility in Morocco and was one of the motivations behind the planning of this first e-rally in Morocco.
The following 10 scoring categories are added up in order to hand over the RIVE MAROC TROPHAE to one of the participating teams.
1.1 Efficiency Route: Departure point in Marrakech - destination Ouarzazate. Measurement of kWh (Ah) at the beginning and end of the route
1.2 Highest total kilometers 1.3 Vehicle with the longest journey 1.4 Vehicle with oldest first registration 1.5"Beauty contest" of the vehicles Evaluation by students at special charging points
SOCIAL 2.1 #Laptops/Tablets Anyone who has brought their own laptops (updated by our partner Labdoo) gets twice the score. Tablets count as half a laptop. Points distribution: Laptop 1P, own laptop 2P, Tablet 0.5P
2.2 #Material donations The following evaluation criteria are used: Quantity, quality & ideas of support for our Eco school in the High Atlas. Urgent winter clothes,Medicines and school supplies.
ECO 2.3 Plasticfree materials Tangible objects / finance. support/financial support for solar outdoor lightning of the Eco School
ANIMAL AID 2.4. Equippement for dogs The following evaluation criteria are used: Quantity, quality & ideas of support for the SFT Tangier, which responsible for the dog sterilization in Tangier. Furthermore but it also helps donkeys, monkeys and many other animals in need. Urgently needed: Donations of a financial nature Animal food Leads and collars Medicines (deworming, ticks, ...) The donations in kind please hand over to the briefing in Tangier. Copies of donation receipts from SFT - Animal Sanctuary Tangier with financial support (referral SFT - Animal Sanctuary possible, keyword RIVE MAROC 2019) please hand over to briefing in Tangier.
3.1 #Joker images found Joker photos are published in the road book and can be found along the way. If any of these pictures are spotted in real, please take a picture with your own vehicle. 1 point for each wildcard image found. Please upload the found pictures of the jokers in the Whatsapp group (without any hints and tips for others). We then confirm the receipt. If you are not in Whatsapp, please send it by 6. Day, 18:00 to
3.2 Best photo with vehicle 3.3 Best photo with positive impression of Morocco 3.4 Best photo with negative impression of Morocco 3.5 Best short video with max. 30 seconds Selection and scoring by RIVE MAROC crew. Delivery: Via WhatsApp Group or email ( until Day 6, 18:00
(Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Youtube / Blog ...) With Youtube an already existing channel can be used. Counted are the likes per video, where RIVE Maroc is in focus and at least RIVE Maroc is named in the video. All social media channels including blogs have to be mentioned before the rally. Evaluation of Likes: Day 6, 18:00 o'clock 4.1 Facebook, Twitter, Blog 4.2 Instagram 4.3 Youtube, Vimeo
5. PENALTY POINTS Attention, applies ony when fixed times appear in the road book (including start and departure time). Here teams must arrive on time. If you arrive too early or too late, you will receive 1 negative point / min.